Nothing is Certain Except Death and Taxes... and That Your CEO Will Eventually Leave
Although we may not always remember our mother in-law’s birthday, April 15 is a date that few forget. As Ben Franklin notably said, “Nothing is certain except death and taxes.” Not to argue with one of our nation’s founding fathers, but there are a few other things we can count on as well. For Clarity Transitions, one essential certainty is that organizational leadership will change over time and that governance best practice demands we be ready for it.
If you haven’t yet planned for successive leadership over time, begin by asking yourself a few questions. Do we have a mechanism to consistently maintain a current strategic plan or organizational assessment? Have we created a Transition Committee as part of our governance structure? Do we have documentation that ensures the transfer of essential corporate knowledge?
To access the complete, free Readiness Assessment (a small portion shown above) and for additional resources and tools to walk your organization through the succession planning and implementation processes, see Ben Franklin also said “Never leave that till to-morrow which you can do to-day.”