Keep reading. Keep pondering. Be accountable.

In March, when Covid-19 swept in, we watched nonprofit organizations make tough decisions and pivot quickly.   This was hard work and it’s very likely that some nonprofits will not survive the changes imposed by Covid-19.  On the other hand, some of the changes made are likely to be lasting and could even be an improvement in options.  Covid-19 forced a boom of innovation and action. 

In May, we gathered around Black Lives Matter and promised to do better.  Some of that doing better, for white people, is introspection on our roles and privilege. Facebook tells me that many of us are doing well on that, while for others it’s a struggle.  What’s not happening as obviously after the protests is a similar boom in innovation and action.  Many of us are pondering rather than doing.

Changes caused by Covid-19 are mostly tactical and operational.  By and large, we took the same program and theory of change but delivered it differently. Yes, it’s challenging, but it’s in an understandable framework.  We know how to do this work we just need to tweak it.  In comparison, this is easy.

The anti-racism work is a lot harder.  It reaches deep into our historical and cultural heritage. It questions how we live and work.  It’s about you and about me on a deeply personal level.   For our organization, it can call into question why we exist, why we work the way that we do. It can knock down hallowed histories and heroes as easily as statues.   Unlike with Covid-19, we can’t change all of this in 10 days with some quick and dirty scenario planning.

But the window of opportunity is closing.  If we don’t begin now, we’ll only continue to ponder. We’ll get immersed in other challenges -- and Covid will certainly continue to deliver those challenges.

Don’t lose this chance to start the discussion now about how racism affects your mission, your theory of change, and how you work. These discussions are likely to be uncomfortable and follow a different trajectory than your regular work.  Give the group grace and room to work without fear of repercussion. Give space and welcome possibly conflicting emotions. Accountability might include things like:

  • Document the current diversity of your organization by level by [date] and use it to support further discussion.

  • Develop working values and norms for equity discussions by [date]

  • Schedule time for an all staff discussion on how racism impacts our mission and work by [date]

  • Schedule time for a board and leadership discussion on how racism impacts our mission by [date]

  • Consider an alternative draft theory of change that takes into account the impact of racism on our mission by [date]

  • Convene a staff / board group to address equity in our work by [date] with early recommendations and discussion by [date]

Don’t lose this opportunity.  Keep reading. Keep pondering. Be accountable.


Are we trying to fix a broken water main with a mop?


Take this moment…without knowing the answers