We’re really excited to share that Clarity Transitions is now Clarity.
Clarity logo with tagline: Strategy. Talent. Culture.
Why change our name?
Eight years ago, Clarity Transitions was set up to specifically support nonprofit leadership transitions. Since then, we’ve gained clarity on the work.
People are the heart of a nonprofit organization’s success –frontline to leadership, paid staff and volunteer.
An equitable culture that aligns individuals and their goals with the organization’s purpose is the foundation for retaining and developing great people.
The plans, commitments, and actions that create a pipeline of skilled people (succession) have significant overlap with retaining and engaging the people you already have.
Investing in your team today, making decisions in advance, and defining a path forward will make eventual and inevitable transitions smoother.
As Clarity, we work at the intersection of strategy, talent, and culture.
We can support your strategic planning, retention and succession planning, race equity assessments using Building Blocks for Change, board engagement, and, of course, smooth transitions!
Here’s our new contact information.
We look forward to talking with you soon!